Friday, September 2, 2022

Early September 2022

 September 2022. Here we are

My Zinnias are still going strong. I always know that summer is coming to an end when the daylilies stop blooming for the year. Here is one of the last blooms along the side of the garage.

I have been taking an online class on glass flowers and components recently and have enjoyed learning a few new ways to create flowers and components.
I think new flower wreaths going forward will look a better.

I also took a local class on creating with mosaics. We created an obelisk.
Very fun.

Here is my obelisk pre-grout.
I need to get better pictures since it has a place of honor on my kitchen counter.

Today I'm heading back to the garden. 
I harvested spaghetti squash this morning. I need to get the rest of the ripe tomatoes and start pulling the corn stalks that are done producing for the year.

Keeping the kilns warm. Enjoying each day.
