Saturday, November 27, 2010

More Cabs

I had the time recently to drill more cabachons from my mesh melts and get them polished.

Fresh from the kiln this morning- not even cleaned.
I am so excited with the results.

I tried to get a good picture in the sun.
Too much shadow, but it shows some of the detail I am not able to get in other pictures.

Another picture of the cab group before I glued on the bails.

A close-up of one cabachon.

~ Julz


gallerydarrow said...

beautiful work Julz, like a collection of marbles!

Julie said...

. . . and I do love marbles too.


Janet at New Moon Glass said...

Your cabochons are extra cool Julz! What do you have planned for them?

Julie said...

Plans? I have created some jewelry with them, but some of them really need light to shine through to see their beauty. The complexity gets lost against the skin.

I was thinking that incorporating them into a st. glass project would be great, but I don't have anything in the works yet.