Sunday, December 16, 2018


Some times the unexpected happens.

This past summer I purchased a beautiful yellow, orange and white piece of glass with a specific goal in mind. I wanted to create a strip cut bowl, a bowl made of strips of glass.

I cut the strips and assembled the bowl for it's first fusing paying careful attention to the pattern in the original piece of glass.

assembling strip bowl

I had extra strips of glass and decided to use them to create a small square tile. 

During construction I was worried that the orange color might not present itself to show the pattern.


This morning I pulled this from the kiln.

Fused strips

~ Julie

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Saturday Wreaths and Glass

Today my husband and I were honored to be able to place wreaths for Wreaths Across America at the King Veterans Home. It turned out to be a beautiful day, not too cold with plenty of sunshine - perfect for walking the hill and placing wreaths next to grave stones.

I am smitten with sunflowers during this Wisconsin December.

Here is a new one in shades of blue and purple.

Purple Sunflower1 Purple Sunflower2

I love seeing the sun shine through it.

Purple Sunflower3

This sunflower will be in my Crystal Lake Glass Etsy shop either today or tomorrow.

~ Julie

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Snowy Day with Flowers

Wisconsin is having a very snowy day today.

This morning I pulled a new sunflower suncatcher from the kiln. I love the bright colors.

sunflower, glass
 sunflower with snow in background

I just need to get it cleaned up and wired for hanging.

~ Julie

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Two Warm Kilns

I have been both making beads and some recycled glass items.

Thus far this year I haven't made any Christmas items in glass. Until now. . .

snowman bead2
I just couldn't not try to make a snowman. 

My beading skills are improving;-)

I also have been working with recycled (float) glass and enamels.

enamel dishenamel colors close up

This is a small dish with bright enamel colors. I love that enamel will give the very subdued greenish hue of recycled glass very bright colors.

~ Julie