Showing posts with label float glass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label float glass. Show all posts

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Winter Solstice is next week -

Next week we will experience the Winter Solstice. December 21st is the shortest day of the year and soon we will see our days getting longer. I look forward to that.

I recently completed this star made from recycled window glass. The window was an old house window from my childhood home. It was a great way to use this old glass. This was modified from a Jim Mathews project,

Star of Hope in Window

This is a closeup of the star. I love how the glass catches the light.

Star of hope closeup

I also completed a new electroformed flower stem/sepal that I inserted a small, red & yellow, blown glass bulb into. I created the glass to fit and it does perfectly. I am very excited about this project. The glass reflects the light in interesting ways. All three of the following pictures are the same piece.

Glass Flower1

glass flower2

Glass Flower3

Keeping the kilns warm,
~ Julie

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


The weather has been nice this week, so not much glass. I did finish a fused and stained glass garden piece last week. I used float glass and enamels to create the circles and then put them together with copper foil and solder. I think it turned out really nice.

new garden stake
 new garden stake2

new garden stake closeup

I also played with murrini and created a small round of just murrini. I'm not sure if I will create a bowl with it or not. Right now it's hanging in my studio.

Murrini round

Other News -
Both bee hives are still alive this far, but one is very weak. I ordered another package of bees just in case I loose my weak hive. I still want at least two hives going into summer. We, my husband and I made new hives and I painted them last week in the warm sun.

Bee Hive painted

We are still sheltering in place except for groceries. I got my sewing machine out and dusted off to make masks for myself and my husband so that we could be a bit safer in our travels outside the house.

We are fostering a dog from the local Humane Society. I may fail at this foster business. Sam, our foster dog, is very easy. He stays close to me on walks, doesn't get up on furniture, rarely barks and is somewhat calm.


He may have to stay with us.

Spring is here. The frogs are singing. Some flowers are blooming.


Stay healthy!
~ Julie

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

New Work

The birdbath bowl worked well for a large slump.

bird bath edge

Sometimes I have issues slumping large projects. I used a conservative kiln schedule and it seemed to have worked well.

bird bath

I am still into reactive glass.
This is a new color for me. It's Salmon Pink. 
I don't see the pink, it is a very pretty brown/tan.

It is finishing the slump into a dish right now in the kiln.

Salmon PInk reaction piece

I also have been playing with more recycled glass and enamels.
I love the tie dyed look.

tie dyed recycled glass

tie dyed recycled glass piece

Keeping the kilns warm.
~ Julie

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Two Warm Kilns

I have been both making beads and some recycled glass items.

Thus far this year I haven't made any Christmas items in glass. Until now. . .

snowman bead2
I just couldn't not try to make a snowman. 

My beading skills are improving;-)

I also have been working with recycled (float) glass and enamels.

enamel dishenamel colors close up

This is a small dish with bright enamel colors. I love that enamel will give the very subdued greenish hue of recycled glass very bright colors.

~ Julie