Thursday, November 14, 2019

Work in Progress

Winter has hit with a vengeance here. Cold and snow.
My bees are now hive bound.
One day last week it was sunny and 40 degrees and a few ventured out of the hive -

I have had some glass failures recently and needed to complete something that I felt good about.


I always feel happy making sunflower suncatchers.

suncatcher prefuse
sunflower suncatcher
After Fuse.

Sunflowers always make me happy.

I also worked on some enamels on float glass. I love the colors, but the edges are wonky and I'm not sure how to fix them in order to slump into a mold.

I have created a bunch of beads and created bracelets with them.

garden stake process1green garden stake1green garden stake2

I have worked on these garden stakes and love the design.

Yellow garden stake

I'm currently working on another green one.
garden stake process2

Keeping the kilns warm.

~ Julie