Showing posts with label garden stakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden stakes. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Work in Progress

Winter has hit with a vengeance here. Cold and snow.
My bees are now hive bound.
One day last week it was sunny and 40 degrees and a few ventured out of the hive -

I have had some glass failures recently and needed to complete something that I felt good about.


I always feel happy making sunflower suncatchers.

suncatcher prefuse
sunflower suncatcher
After Fuse.

Sunflowers always make me happy.

I also worked on some enamels on float glass. I love the colors, but the edges are wonky and I'm not sure how to fix them in order to slump into a mold.

I have created a bunch of beads and created bracelets with them.

garden stake process1green garden stake1green garden stake2

I have worked on these garden stakes and love the design.

Yellow garden stake

I'm currently working on another green one.
garden stake process2

Keeping the kilns warm.

~ Julie

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Plant Stakes - some good

Well yesterday morning I looked in the kiln and was disappointed by my little experiment w/ aluminum.


The glass was too hot to handle and tonight was my first chance to get back and take pictures. Life is good, but busy and can get in the way of glassing.

My other garden stake was made w/ copper star inclusions. The copper turns red when used this way and can be very pretty.

I learned.
Anyone want some aluminum? 
Actually the disintegrated aluminum is cool, it's just not the effect that I was looking for in this project.

I'm sure I will be able to use this in the future.

~ Julz

Monday, June 28, 2010

Garden stakes

It's a beautiful, breezy, not humid summer evening and I was just able to load the kiln w/ some new glass for garden stakes before my meeting tonight. On one of the three glass pieces I'm trying a new aluminum star inclusion.  I love the anticipation of not knowing what I will find when I open the kiln in the morning.

Hoping it is good.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer, gotta love it . . .

The rain was yesterday and perhaps tomorrow ~ tonight we have blue skies and warm weather.

My first purple coneflower is blooming. 


The Catalpa Tree is in bloom.
Lovely and fragrant.


I was able to finish my last two garden stakes. I fused the glass days ago.

Happy Summer!

~ Julz

Sunday, May 30, 2010

More garden stakes

Daisies are one of my favorite flowers.

My iris are blooming.

Here they are on my work bench. I need to get them framed with their copper this weekend.

I have moved on this morning and actually have a bowl in the kiln, but I have stayed w/ the flower theme.

Have a grand Memorial Day and relaxing weekend. Please take a moment to remember those who have given and are giving now to allow us to live in freedom.

~ Julz

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Garden Stakes

Recently I have been making glass objects in groups.

First - I made a group of small dishes.

Garden stakes are my recent grouping of hand made items -

I never did make my other circle fuse w/ the bubble into a garden stake.
Perhaps - I will for one of my gardens that is not next to the house. I don't know how many people would see the bubble, but I know it is there.

I am hoping to give these as gifts this summer.

A nice trio among the daisies.

~ Julz