Showing posts with label amber dish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amber dish. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New work -

Some good and some not so good & some work in progress . . .

I love this dish, but I don't like the bubbles. I tried a bubble squeeze on the full fuse of this glass and the bubbles persisted. I need to re-think this design. Perhaps putting the frit for the stars on the top rather then sandwiched between 2 layers of glass.

I need a better pic of this dish. It's a new mold that I'm excited about - kind of pie plate like - but I messed up on the color choice. It looked better pre-fuse.    darn darn darn

This is in the kiln tonight for a full fuse.
The yellow square - soon to be a dish - is a striker glass. A striker glass turns a different color when it is heated. This one should strike to a wonderful red color, but the dots should stay amber.
I make my dots by putting the small squares of scrap glass into the kiln and fuse it when I have extra room on a kiln shelf. This is scrap glass from my red striker. I love this red color once heat is applied.

More pics tomorrow.

~ Julz

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Amber dish w/ stars and bubbles

~just out of the kiln~
I'm pleased w/ the colors and bubbles are fun, but not wanted in this piece.

It's still too warm to remove from the slump mold, but I wanted to get the next piece into the kiln tonight.

Full fuse tonight and then tomorrow slump into new mold - a dish similar to a pie plate.
~ Julz