Showing posts with label pattern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pattern. Show all posts

Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Project/New Skills

This week I started a class to learn more about Stained Glass. Specifically I want to learn how to use lead came to construct a stained glass window.

I am excited to learn a new way (for me) of glass construction. I needed to find a simple project for my first one. I don't want to become frustrated with the process before I learn it. I had a great time looking at vintage stained glass windows for ideas. I have kept a scrapbook of pictures collected over the years and the Internet is also a significant source of ideas. I hope the project I designed, based off an old window, will be simple enough for me to learn the new skills and also have a nice window.

Here is my project prior to being leaded. The picture doesn't show the colors well, pieces 7 & 9 are dark green and #5, 6, 10 % 11 are a clear textured glass.

This week in class I will be leading, soldering, mudding and whiting the project.
I hope to have a finished window by the end of the week as well as some new skills & tools for my toolbox.

~ Julz