Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstice

My lilies are blooming.


My daughter graduated from high school.

My mom has been sick, hospitalized for a week, and is now in rehab.

Glass work has taken a back seat to the rest of life this month.

This is my latest -

It's a blue box with cover. I took a short cut and didn't kiln wash the mold. The kiln wash stuck to the glass and now there is more work because I need to clean the glass before I can decorate.
I'm thinking of a yellow flower for the top of the cover, but this may change.

Hope you have a great Solstice!
~ Julz

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

More garden stakes

Daisies are one of my favorite flowers.

My iris are blooming.

Here they are on my work bench. I need to get them framed with their copper this weekend.

I have moved on this morning and actually have a bowl in the kiln, but I have stayed w/ the flower theme.

Have a grand Memorial Day and relaxing weekend. Please take a moment to remember those who have given and are giving now to allow us to live in freedom.

~ Julz

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Garden Stakes

Recently I have been making glass objects in groups.

First - I made a group of small dishes.

Garden stakes are my recent grouping of hand made items -

I never did make my other circle fuse w/ the bubble into a garden stake.
Perhaps - I will for one of my gardens that is not next to the house. I don't know how many people would see the bubble, but I know it is there.

I am hoping to give these as gifts this summer.

A nice trio among the daisies.

~ Julz

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Garden stake w/out the stake

One large bubble in the middle

and . . . 
another in the kiln this morning.

This is a new idea - I put a bit of copper wire in a spiral at the center.
My hope is that when the glass heats the copper will sink and create a great flower center with depth.

I will know tomorrow morning when I open the kiln.

~ Julz

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

garden stake

Enough with the small dishes. 

My next project is a garden stake made of copper and fused glass. The glass is out of the kiln - now for the copper and wire decoration.

Pictures soon . . .

Hope your spring gardens are bursting w/ green,


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Small dishes . . . continued

Yesterday it snowed a few inches.
Rubedog loved it.

I am not sure the fiddlehead ferns had the same sentiment.

I continue to make small dishes.

They are offering me a chance to try decorating recycled glass and experimenting with different molds.

You can't tell from the picts, but these dishes are only 4 inches across.

~ Julz

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Recycled Glass Dish #2

Okay - I seem to be repeating good things lately. I created a new dish from recycled glass w/ a different frit design. Just pulled this from the kiln - - -

I love using recycled glass and I like these brighter colors.

I wish our weather mirrored the brightness of the new dish. Today is cold and windy with showers (although we can use the rain). I just wish it was a bit warmer.

~ Julz