Saturday, May 22, 2010

Garden stake w/out the stake

One large bubble in the middle

and . . . 
another in the kiln this morning.

This is a new idea - I put a bit of copper wire in a spiral at the center.
My hope is that when the glass heats the copper will sink and create a great flower center with depth.

I will know tomorrow morning when I open the kiln.

~ Julz

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

garden stake

Enough with the small dishes. 

My next project is a garden stake made of copper and fused glass. The glass is out of the kiln - now for the copper and wire decoration.

Pictures soon . . .

Hope your spring gardens are bursting w/ green,


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Small dishes . . . continued

Yesterday it snowed a few inches.
Rubedog loved it.

I am not sure the fiddlehead ferns had the same sentiment.

I continue to make small dishes.

They are offering me a chance to try decorating recycled glass and experimenting with different molds.

You can't tell from the picts, but these dishes are only 4 inches across.

~ Julz

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Recycled Glass Dish #2

Okay - I seem to be repeating good things lately. I created a new dish from recycled glass w/ a different frit design. Just pulled this from the kiln - - -

I love using recycled glass and I like these brighter colors.

I wish our weather mirrored the brightness of the new dish. Today is cold and windy with showers (although we can use the rain). I just wish it was a bit warmer.

~ Julz

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Recycled Glass Dish

I like to use recycled glass when possible. I don't have a good source for used glass, but this dish was made from glass that would have been thrown away.

The dish would be perfect for candies, dips, or condiments.

Happy Sunday! Have a great week everyone.

~ Julz

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday's Glass

I'm on a roll . . . 

Four new dishes in the last few days - 

love the size
love the colors
small enough to use up some of my accumulated scrap


Yellow dot on yellow transparent.


~ Julz

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

small dish - 2

Another small dish hot from the kiln. I like the size.

I have a small dish that I have used for years to place jewelry into - therefore keeping my dresser organized. I think this dish will replace it on my dresser.

It is only 4 3/4 inches across - very petite.

Here is the same bowl upside down - note the dichroic glass squares are black on the bottom.

I have another petite dish slumping now and I am so excited to be working with glass again.

~ Julz

Monday, April 26, 2010

A month later

Wow - I can't believe that my last post to this blog was over a month ago.

I really wanted to post during that month, but ???

Well - really no good excuses. Although not much glass happened in the last month.

Here is what I just pulled from the kiln -

OMG - it's been so long my blog didn't even want to upload pics, but I persevered to a successful conclusion.  :-)

This is a small dish that I fused and then slumped over a new stainless steal mold that I picked up last month at Ikea. Ya gotta love cheap molds.

Same bowl - upside down.

The good news is that my kiln is warm again tonight. Yea!

~ Julz