Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New Challenge

I have wanted to create a fused bowl w/ a smooth texture for a long time. I have some stainless steel dishes that I have slumped over, but I haven't been happy with the finished texture.

Behold my new splurge -

~ wow~

I can't wait to slump some glass in this baby. . . . and now I am packing to be gone to a work conference for two days.

I would love to spend the next few days working with glass and trying out this new slumping mold, but it is not meant to be. I did prepare the bowl so that when I return it will be ready for glass.
So the next few days I will be away from my passion . . . instead I will be staying at a hotel and learning how to better do my job. Okay I have to admit that my job allowed me to buy this, but it is getting in the way of my glass right now.

1 comment:

gallerydarrow said...

Boy Jules I know just how you feel. You get on a roll then.........Grrrr.... Sometimes life just get's in the way. You hope when your able to get back to "it" you'll still have that pent up passion.