Thursday, January 28, 2010

Red Glass - my favorite

I love red.

(This is the glass that started as yellow, 
but striked red in the kiln.)

~ Julz

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New work -

Some good and some not so good & some work in progress . . .

I love this dish, but I don't like the bubbles. I tried a bubble squeeze on the full fuse of this glass and the bubbles persisted. I need to re-think this design. Perhaps putting the frit for the stars on the top rather then sandwiched between 2 layers of glass.

I need a better pic of this dish. It's a new mold that I'm excited about - kind of pie plate like - but I messed up on the color choice. It looked better pre-fuse.    darn darn darn

This is in the kiln tonight for a full fuse.
The yellow square - soon to be a dish - is a striker glass. A striker glass turns a different color when it is heated. This one should strike to a wonderful red color, but the dots should stay amber.
I make my dots by putting the small squares of scrap glass into the kiln and fuse it when I have extra room on a kiln shelf. This is scrap glass from my red striker. I love this red color once heat is applied.

More pics tomorrow.

~ Julz

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Amber dish w/ stars and bubbles

~just out of the kiln~
I'm pleased w/ the colors and bubbles are fun, but not wanted in this piece.

It's still too warm to remove from the slump mold, but I wanted to get the next piece into the kiln tonight.

Full fuse tonight and then tomorrow slump into new mold - a dish similar to a pie plate.
~ Julz

Friday, January 22, 2010

Yellow Bowl

I am really into happy colors. . .

and very tired of cloudy days.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy Colors

My Green dish.

Blue Bowl. Green Dish. Yellow Dish (slumping in the kiln tonight).
~ Julz

Green dish

I popped the yummy green dish into the kiln this morning for its slump right after breakfast and before rushing out the door to the day job. I can't wait to get home and take a peek to see if it is done.

Contemplating finding an outlet for selling other than just the random kind friend. My short term goal was to exhibit at the local art show this spring and then look at marketing. Perhaps I will flip that around and market first and then art show will be a way to get the word out.  - contemplating - 

~ Julz

PS - Pics to follow as soon as the glass is cool enough to extract it from the kiln w/out burning myself or more importantly wrecking the glass.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blue Bowl :-)

My Blue Bowl.
A successful bowl.
I didn't invest much of in the decoration of this bowl. I think I was chicken. I didn't want to expend too much creative energy - just in case it failed. I have had a few of those fa......s lately.
Now I am excited.
I have a bowl on deck to fuse . . . and yes it will be adorned.  :-)

I do like it when the kiln is good to me.

My amaryllis is blooming. Another nice bright spot on a January day.

~ Julz

Monday, January 18, 2010

Blue Bowl

I have a small blue bowl that is annealing in the kiln as I type this - I can't for it to cool and let me fondle it. Pics will follow. I hope it is a beauty.
